Friday, April 08, 2005

Don't Do Drugs - By Brandy

I just want people to know that I think drugs are like so not cool, you know. They make you stupid and stuff, and only losers do them. I mean some drugs are good like Daddy's heart medicine or Momma’s brain pills, but some drugs are bad like marawana and heroine. They make you dumb and rob people and murder old ladies. Why would you want to murder old ladies?

I knew this girl once who got high on marajana and she had sex with 42 football players. 42! At once! That’s 39 more than I’ve ever done. Then she was all high and stuff and raped this poodle in my neighborhood and then ate it. She ate a poodle! The cops found her naked on the highway covered in poodle hair, saying she saw Jesus. Now she’s locked up in a mental institution all because she thought it was cool to smoke majawana. I mean do you want to have sex with 54 football players, eat a poodle and see Jesus? I don’t. That’s why I am never ever gonna smoke marawana ever again. Because I love poodles and Jesus.

So remember what do you say if someone offers you pot? You say, I don’t need drugs to be cool! Take your drugs elsewhere druggie man.

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